0001 |
OVERCURRENT (2310) 0305 bit 0 |
Output current nas exceeded trip level. |
Check motor load. Check acceleration time {2202 and 2205). Check motor and motor cable (inciuding phasing). Check ambient conditions. Load capacity decreases if installation site ambient temperaturę exceeds 40 °C. See section Derating on page 309. |
0002 |
DC OVERVOLT (3210) 0305 bit 1 |
Excessive intermediate Circuit DC voltage. DC overvoltage trip limit is 420 V for 200 V drives and 840 V for 400 V drives. |
Check that overvoltage controiier is on (parameter 2005 OVERVOLT CTRL). Check input power line for static or transient overvoltage. Check deceleration time (2203, 2206). |
0003 |
DEV OVERTEMP (4210) 0305 bit 2 |
Drive IGBT temperaturę is excessive. Fault trip limit is 135 °C. |
Check ambient conditions. See also section Derating on page 309. Check airflow and fan operation. Check motor power against unit power. |
0004 |
SHORTCIRC (2340) 0305 bit 3 |
Short circuit in motor cable(s) or motor |
Check motor and motor cable. |
0006 |
DC UNDERVOLT (3220) 0305 bit 5 |
Intermediate circuit DC voltage is not sufficient due to missing input power line phase, blown fuse, rectifier bridge internal fault or too Iow input power. |
Check that unden/oltage controiier is on (parameter 2006 UNDERVOLT CTRL). Check input power suppiy and fuses. |
0007 |
Ali LOSS (8110) 0305 bit 6 (programmable fault function 3001, 3021) |
Analog input Al 1 signal nas fallen below limit defined by parameter 3021 Ali FAULT LIMIT. |
Check fault function parameter settings. Check for proper analog control signal levels. Check connections. |
0008 |
AI2 LOSS (8110) 0305 bit 7 (programmable fault function 3001, 3022) |
Analog input AI2 signal nas fallen below limit defined by parameter 3022 AI2 FAULT LIMIT. |
Check fault function parameter settings. Check for proper analog control signal levels. Check connections. |
0009 |
MOT OVERTEMP (4310) 0305 bit 8 (programmabiefault function 3005...30091 3504) |
Motor temperaturę is too high (or appears to be too high) due to excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or incorrect start-up data. |
Check motor ratings, load and cooling. Check start-up data. Check fault function parameters. |
Measured motor temperaturę has exceeded fault limit set by parameter 3504 FAULT LIMIT. |
Check vaiue of fault limit. Check that actuai number of sensors corresponds to value set by parameter (3501 SENSOR TYPE). Let motor cooi down. Ensure proper motor cooling: Check cooling fan, clean cooling surfaces, etc. |
0010 |
PANEL LOSS (5300) 0305 bit 9 (programmabiefault function 3002) |
Control panel seiected as active control location for drive has ceased communicating. |
Check panel connection. Check fault function parameters. Check control panel connector. Refit control panel in mounting platform. If drive is in external control mode (REM) and is set to accept start/stop. direction commands or references via control panel: Check group 10 START/STOP/DIR and 11 REFERENCE SELECT settings. |
0012 |
MOTOR STALL (7121) 0305 bit 11 (programmabiefault function 3010...3012) |
Motor is operating in stall region due to eg excessive load or insufficient motor power. |
Check motor load and drive ratings. Check fault function parameters. |
0014 |
EXT FAULT 1 (9000) 0305 bit 13 (programmable fault function 3003) |
Externai fault 1 |
Check external devices for faults. Check parameter 3003 EXTERNAL FAULT 1 setting. |
0015 |
EXT FAULT 2 (9001) 0305 bit 14 (programmable fault function 3004) |
External fault 2 |
Check external devices for faults. Check parameter 3004 EXTERNAL FAULT 2 setting. |
0016 |
EARTH FAULT (2330) 0305 bit 15 (programmabiefault function 3017) |
Drive has detected earth (ground) fault in motor or motor cabie. |
Check motor. Check fault function parameters. Check motor cabie. Motor cabie length must not exceed maximum specificatlons. See section Motor connection data on page 314. |
0018 |
THE RM FAIL (5210) 0306 bit 1 |
Drive internal fault. Thermistor used for drive internal temperaturę measurement is open or short-circuited. |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0021 |
CURR ME AS (2211) 0306 bit 4 |
Drive internal fault. Current measurement is out of rangę. |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0022 |
SUPPLY PHASE (3130) 0306 bit 5 |
Intermediate circuit DC voltage is oscillating due to missing input power line phase or blown fuse. Trip occurs when DC voltage ripple exceeds 14% of nominał DC voltage. |
Check input power line fuses. Check for input power supply imbaiance. Check fault function parameters. |
0024 |
OVERSPEED (7310) 0306 bit 7 |
Motor is turning faster than highest aliowed speed due to incorrectly set minimum/maximum speed. Operating rangę limits are set by parameters 2007 MINIMUM FREO and 2008MAXIMUM FREG. |
Check minimum/maximum frequency settings. Check adequacy of motor braking torque. |
0026 |
DRIVE ID (5400) 0306 bit 9 |
Internal drive ID fault |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0027 |
CONFIG FILE (630F) 0306 bit 10 |
Internal configuration file error |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0028 |
SERIAL 1 ERR (7510) 0306 bit 11 (programmablefault function 3018, 3019) |
Fieldbus communication break |
Check status of fieldbus communication. See chapter Fieldbus contro! with embedded fieldbus on page 265. Check fault function parameter settings. Check connections. Check if master can communicate. |
0029 |
EFB CON FILE (6306) 0306 bit 12 |
Configuration file reading error |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0030 |
FORCE TRIP (FF90) 0306 bit 13 |
Trip command received from fieldbus |
See appropriate communication module manuał. |
0031 |
EFB 1 (FF92) 0307 bit 0 |
Error from the embedded fieldbus (EFB) protocol application. The meaning is protocol dependent. |
See chapter Fieidóus contro! with embedded fieidóus on page 265. |
0032 |
EFB 2 (FF93) 0307 bit 1 |
0033 |
EFB 3 (FF94) 0307 bit 2 |
0034 |
MOTOR PHASE (FF56) 0306 bit 14 |
Motor circuit fault due to missing motor phase or motor thermistor relay (used in motor temperaturę measurement) fault. |
Check motor and motor cable. Check motor thermistor relay (if used). |
0035 |
OUTP WIRING (FF95) 0306 bit 15 (programmabiefault function 3023) |
incorrect input power and motor cable connection (ie input power cable is connected to drive motor connection). The fault can be erroneously deciared if the input power is a delta grounded system and the motor cable capacitance is large. This fault can be disabled using parameter 3023 WIRING FAULT. |
Check input power connections. Check fault function parameters. |
0036 |
INCOMPATIBLE SW (630F) 0307 bit 3 |
Loaded software is not compatible. |
Contact your local ABB representative. |
0038 |
USER LOAD CURVE (FF6B) 0307 bit 4 |
Condition defined by 3701 USER LOAD C MODE has been valid longer than the time set by 3703 USER LOAD C TIME. |
See parameter group 37 USER LOAD CURVE. |
0039 |
UNKNOWN EXTENSION (7086) 0307 bit 5 |
Option module not supported by the drive firmware is connected to the drive. |
Check connections. |
0040 |
INLET VERY LOW (8A81) 0307 bit 6 |
Pressure at pump/fan inlet too Iow |
Check for a closed valve on the inlet side of the pump/fan. Check piping for leaks. See parameter group 44 PUMP PROTECTION. |
0041 |
OUTLET VERY HIGH (8A83) 0307 bit 7 |
Pressure at pump/fan outlet too high |
Check piping for blocks. See parameter group 44 PUMP PROTECTION. |
0042 |
INLET LOW (8A80) 0307 bit 8 |
Pressure at pump/fan inlet too Iow |
Check for a closed valve on the inlet side of the pump/fan. Check piping for leaks. See parameter group 44 PUMP PROTECTION. |
0043 |
OUTLET HIGH (8A82) 0307 bit 9 |
Pressure at pump/fan outlet too high |
Check piping for blocks. See parameter group 44 PUMP PROTECTION. |
0101 |
SERF CORRUPT (FF55) 0307 bit 14 |
0103 |
SERF MACRO (FF55) 0307 bit 14 |
0201 |
(6100) 0307 bit 13 |
Drive internal error |
Write down fault code and contact your local ABB representative. |
0202 |
DSPT2 0VERL0AD (6100) 0307 bit 13 |
0203 |
DSP T3 OVERLOAD (6100) 0307 bit 13 |
0204 |
DSP STACK ERROR (6100) 0307 bit 12 |
0206 |
CB ID ERROR (5000) 0307 bit 11 |
1000 |
PAR HZRPM (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
Incorrect frequency limit parameter setting |
Check parameter settings. Check that foliowing applies: • 2007 MINIMUM FREQ < 2008 MAXIMUM FREQ • 2007 MINIMUM FREQ / 9907 MOTOR NOM FREO and 2008 MAXIMUM FREO / 9907 MOTOR NOM FREO are within rangę. |
1001 |
PAR PFC REF NEG (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect PFC parameters |
Check parameter group 81 PFC CONTROL settings. Check that following appiies: • 2007 MINIMUM FREG > 0 when 8123 is ACTIVE or SPFC ACTIVE. |
1003 |
PAR Al SCALĘ (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect analog input Al signal scaling |
Check parameter group 13 ANALOG INPUTS settings. Check that following appiies: • 1301 MINIMUM AI1 < 1302 MAXIMUM AI1 • 1304 MINIMUM AI2 < 1305 MAXIMUM AI2. |
1004 |
PAR AO SCALĘ (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect analog output AO signal scaling |
Check parameter group 15 ANALOG OUTPUTS settings. Check that following appiies: • 1504 MINIMUM A01 < 7505 MAXIMUM A01. |
1005 |
PAR PCU 2 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect motor nominał power setting |
Check parameter 9909 setting. Following must appiy: • 1.1 < (9906 MOTOR NOM CURR -9905 MOTOR NOM VOLT ■ 1.73 / PN) < 3.0 where PN = 1000 ■ 9909 MOTOR NOM POWER (if units are in kW) or PN = 746 • 9909 MOTOR NOM POWER (if units are in hp). |
1006 |
PAR EXT RO (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect extension relay output parameters. |
Check parameter settings. Check that following appiies: • Relay Output Extension Module MREL-0 is connected to the drive. • 7402...7403RELAYOUTPUT2...3 and 1410 RELAY OUTPUT 4 have non-zero values. See MREL-01 Relay Output Extension Module User's Manuał (3AUA0000035974 [English]). |
1007 |
PAR FBUSMISS (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
Fieldbus controi has not been activated. |
Check fieldbus parameter settings. |
1009 |
PAR PCU 1 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
incorrect motor nominał speed/frequency setting |
Check parameter settings. Following must apply: • 1 < (60 • 9907 MOTOR NOM FREG / 9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED) < 16 • 0.8 < 9908 MOTOR NOM SPEED / (120 ■ 9907 MOTOR NOM FREQ / Motor poles) < 0.992 |
1012 |
PAR PFC 10 1 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
l/O configuration for PFC not complete |
Check parameter settings. Following must apply: • There are enough relays parameterized for PFC. • No conflict exists between parameter group 14 RELAY OUTPUTS. parameter 8117 NR OF AUX MOT and parameter 8118 AUTOCHNG INTERN/. |
1013 |
PAR PFC 10 2 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
l/O configuration for PFC not complete |
Check parameter settings. Following must apply: • The actuai number of PFC motors (parameter 8127 MOTORS) matches the PFC motors in parameter group 14 RELAY OUTPUTS and parameter 8118 AUTOCHNG INTERNA |
1014 |
PAR PFC 10 3 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
l/O configuration for PFC not complete. Tne drive is unable to allocate a digitai input (interiock) for each PFC motor. |
See parameters 8120 INTERLOCKS and 8127 MOTORS. |
1015 |
PAR CUSTOM U/F (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
Incorrect voltage to frequency (U/f) ratio voltage setting. |
Check parameter 2610 USER DEFINED U1...26J7USER DEFINED F4 settings. |
1017 |
PAR SETUP 1 (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
It is not aliowed to use frequency input signal and frequency output signal simultaneously. |
Disable frequency output or frequency input: • change transistor output to digitai mode (value of parameter 1804 TO MODE = DIGITAL), or • change frequency input selection to other vaiue in parameter groups 11 REFERENCE SELECT, 40 PROCESS PiD SET 1, 41 PROCESS PiD SET 2 and 42 EXT / TRIM PID. |
1026 |
PAR USER LOAD C (6320) 0307 bit 15 |
Incorrect user load curve parameter setting |
Check parameter settings. Following must apply: • 3704 LOAD FREG 1 < 3707 LOAD FREG 2 < 3710 LOAD FREG 3 < 3713 LOAD FREG 4 < 3716 LOAD FREG 5 • 3705 LOAD TORQ LOW 1 < 3706 LOAD TORO HIGH 1 • 3708 LOAD TORQ LOW 2 < 3709 LOAD TORO HIGH 2 • 3711 LOAD TORO LOW 3 < 3712 LOAD TORO HIGH 3 • 3714 LOAD TORO LOW 4 < 3715 LOAD TORO HIGH 4 • 3717 LOAD TORO LOW 5 < 3718 LOAD TORO HIGH 5. |